The Philippine Council of Associations and Association Executives (PCAAE), dubbed as the “association of associations”, is the only membership organization in the country that serves the interests of institutions and professionals that govern and manage business, trade, professional, philanthropic, scientific, medical, educational, technical, social welfare, agricultural, sports, and other member-serving organizations.
PCAAE has a hybrid membership structure comprising of both individual and organizational members.
PCAAE has an expansive reach and network of individuals and institutions from its 300 individual members representing 50 national membership organizations, businesses, and non-profit organizations.
PCAAE is a founding member and initiator of the Asia-Pacific Federation of Association Organizations (APFAO) an informal network that comprises national “associations of associations” in the region, currently Australia, Korea, and the Philippines.
To advance the association management profession and to make associations well-governed and sustainable.
Means to Achieve Purpose
PCAAE will:
- Develop and run programs
- Build membership and increase participation
- Utilise technology
- Market and communicate the association
- Advocate for the profession
- Recognize the Association Executive profession
- Ensure good governance
- Enhance financial sustainability
- To further professionalize association leadership both at the Board and management (Secretariat) levels and to accelerate innovation to grow and sustain the organization.
- To make the Philippines a prominent destination of international events of associations worldwide to help spur further the development and growth of the MICE (meetings, incentives, conventions and exhibitions) industry in the country.
A Philippines where associations and other member-serving organizations are professionally governed and managed.
Contact Person
Mr. Octavio ‘Bobby’ Peralta PCAAE Founder & Volunteer CEO c/o ADFIAP, 2F Skyland Plaza, Sen. Puyat Ave., Makati City 1200 Metro Manila. Tel. Nos: 8449090 / 8161672 / 8430932 Fax: 8176498 Email: bobby@
Its Origin and Formation
- The idea of an “association for associations” originated from an informal discussion in Frankfurt, Germany on May 25, 2010 between then ADFIAP Secretary General, Mr. Octavio (Bobby) Peralta, and PICC General Manager, Atty. Renato (Rene) B. Padilla, at the sidelines of the 8th International Meeting Exhibition (IMEX 2010).
- Such idea further gained substance during the 10th IMEX event from May 21-24, 2012 when ADFIAP Consulting (AC) Head, Ms. Cora D. Conde, and Philippine Tourism Promotions Board (TPB) Chief Officer for MICE, Ms. Stanie Soriano (+), met on the subject during the Frankfurt event.
- A series of tri-partite meetings among TPB, PICC and ADFIAP ensued and on October 23, 2013, PCAAE was registered with the Philippine Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) by seven (7) incorporators linked to ADFIAP and was formally launched during the 1st Association Executives Summit (AES I) organized by TPB on November 20, 2013 at the PICC, with the 150 attendees from 60 associations and nonprofit membership organizations forming the founding members of PCAAE.
- The seven (7) PCAAE incorporators who formed the Board of Trustees were as follows:
- Octavio B. Peralta
- Corazon D. Conde
- Cecilia M. Ibarra
- Ma. Cristina T. Aquino
- Arlene S. Orencia
- Alberto B. Reyno
- Ma. Sandra I. Lim
PCAAE Board of Trustees 2024-2025
Gwen Albarracin
Asia Marketing Federation
Florentino (Jun) Dulalia, Jr.
Vice Chair
FIABCI Philippines International
Octavio (Bobby) Peralta
Founder & Volunteer CEO
Ma. Cristina T. Aquino
Association of Development Financing Institutions in Asia & the Pacific (ADFIAP)
Corazon D. Conde
Arlene Liberal
iHome Greater Metro Manila
Cecilia M. Ibarra
Maria Luz (Yayu) E. Javier
Global Compact Network Philippines
Ana Marie (BM) Miranda
Philippine Retailers Association
Jesse Francis N. Rebustillo
Philippine Association of Professional Speakers
Arlene S. Orencia
Rizchelle Sampang-Manaog
CFA Society Philippines
Enrique (Boyet) Florencio
Ritzi V. Ronquillo
International Association of Business Communicators Philippines
Roberto (Bert) Ranola, Jr., PhD
Philippine Agriculturists Association
Strategic Framework
Our Cause (why we exist)
PCAAE facilitates the work of association executives in managing their organizations and advances their profession through knowledge delivery, recognition and collaboration initiatives.
Our Value Proposition (what we do)
PCAAE links institutions, people and ideas to inspire leadership and achievement within and outside the association executives community.
Our Promise (how we serve our stakeholders)
PCAAE commits to uniquely provide exceptional experiences, essential tools, and a vibrant community that makes members and stakeholders more successful in their work.
Our ‘IMPACT’ Values
As a membership organization, we are guided by the following set of beliefs and values, from our day-to-day operations to strategic planning and to the way we relate with and treat our members, partners and the public-at-large.
We conduct ourselves with utmost fairness, accountability and transparency in everything we do and to everyone we serve and work for. We adhere to the highest governance and ethical standards.
Meaning of Being
We value the diversity of purpose and uniqueness of our members. We will nurture and cultivate this diversity with unity and equality.
We constantly improve on our professional standards. Our members, the Board of Trustees as well as our officers and staff will continue to learn new things and hone up their skills for the benefit of our stakeholders.
Alliance Building
We strive to continuously enhance our relationship with like-minded individuals and organizations to provide more value to our members and stakeholders.
Constant Innovation
We believe that dynamism and innovation are tools to continuously improve on what we do and what we strive for.
We subscribe to the belief that strength of character, honesty and truth is fundamental in harnessing synergies and building communities.
Strategic Direction
PCAAE’s strategic direction is themed, “BEST”, as follows:
Building membership
Provide the association community in the country with leadership, inclusive opportunities, and value-added services and benefits responsive to the interests and needs of a diverse membership.
Enhancing the Association Executive profession
Advance the association executive profession by establishing standards, credentials and core competencies; improving the skills and prominence of association management practitioners; and recruiting and retaining talented and committed individuals into the profession.
Sustaining financial viability
Innovate and expand the pool of financial resources available to support the operation of the Association to undertake their mandated mission.
Tracking performance
Monitor PCAAE’s progress and performance and benchmark it with related organizations here and abroad.
- October 23, 2013PCAAE was registered with the Philippine Securities and Exchange Commission.
- November 20, 2013PCAAE was launched during the 1st Association Executives Summit (AES I) at the PICC.
- January 14, 2014PCAAE held its first Board of Trustees meeting at the ADFIAP headquarters. Mr. Octavio B. Peralta was elected as Chair and Ms. Cora D. Conde as Vice Chair. The Board appointed Ms. Carmelita Chavez as CEO.
- January 30, 2014PCAAE held its first General Council of Members Meeting (GCMM I) at the PICC
- April 3, 2014PCAAE was named part of the American Society of Association Executives (ASAE) Advisory Board for its “Great Ideas in Association Management Asia-Pacific Conference 2015” in Hong Kong, ASAE’s first ever event of its kind in the region. On this occasion, PCAAE signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) for the promotion and distributorship of ASAE publications and online courses.
- June 30, 2014PCAAE granted honorary membership to Mmes. Greta Kotler, Chief Global Development Officer of ASAE, Susan Sarfati, CEO of High Performance Strategies and Liz Jackson, President of Jackson Consulting, Inc.
- November 19, 2014PCAAE organized AES II at the PICC, with TPB, ADFIAP and PICC supporting it.
- November 19, 2014PCAAE granted honorary member to John Peacock, General Manager of Associations Forum Australia and Glynn Cho, CEO of the Korean Society of Association Executives.
- November 20, 2014PCAAE held its 2nd GCMM at the PICC and elected seven (7) additional new Trustees, increasing its Board membership to 14. PCAAE signed a memorandum of understanding with Associations Forum Australia.
- March 18, 2015The PCAAE Board appointed Mr. Octavio B. Peralta, erstwhile Founding Chairman, as CEO in place of Ms. Carmelita Chavez who has fully served her tour of duty.
- March 18, 2015PCAAE grants honorary membership to Ms. Stanie Soriano (+) of Tourism Promotions Board, Mr. William Wadsworth of MICE News Philippines and Ms. Carmelita Chavez, first PCAAE CEO.
- March 24, 2015PCAAE initiated and signed the ‘Hong Kong Charter’ with three other similar-purposed national associations to form the Asia-Pacific Federation of Association Organizations at the sidelines of the 1st ASAE Great Ideas Conference Asia-Pacific held in Hong Kong.
- June 1, 2015PCAAE launched its TAP-In Ambassador Program. TPB Ambassadors Program to Attract International Events to the Philippines (TAP-In)
- June 29, 2015PCAAE launched the Certified Professional Association Executive (CPAE) Program.
- December 3-4, 2015PCAAE organized AES III with the theme, “Compass to Excellence” at the PICC, with TPB, ADFIAP and PICC supporting it.
- December 3, 2015PCAAE launched the 1st ‘Ang Susi’ Awards (institutional and individual awards) to recognize outstanding achievements of associations and the Association Executive of the Year award.
- December 4, 2015PCAAE held its 3rd GCMM at the PICC and changed the name of PCAAE to Philippine Council of Associations and Association Executives to respond to the call of association board members to also be part of PCAAE.
- April 10, 2016PCAAE chairs first APFAO General Assembly meeting in Hong Kong at the sidelines of the 2nd ASAE Great Ideas Conference on Association Management.
- July 14, 2016PCAAE partners with the newspaper Business Mirror and launched a weekly column (every Thursday) tag lined, “PCAAE Association World”.
- November 23-24, 2016PCAAE organized the 4th annual summit, rebranded as “Associations Summit 4” with the theme, “Race to Innovation: Winning in the Age of Disruption,” at the PICC, with TPB, ADFFIAP and PICC supporting it.
- November 23, 2016PCAAE held its 2nd ‘Ang Susi’ Awards and included another individual award, the Association Board Member of the Year award.
- November 23, 2016PCAAE launched the “Association World” magazine, a specialist publication on association governance and management.
- November 24, 2016PCAAE held its 4th GCMM at the PICC.
- November 24, 2016PCAAE conferred credential to first 12 graduates of its Certified Professional Association Executive (CPAE) program.
- March 22, 2017PCAAE was reelected as APFAO Secretariat in Seoul, Korea at the sidelines of the 3rd ASAE Great Ideas Conference on Association Management.
- April 17, 2017PCAAE, representing APFAO, signed a memorandum of cooperation with the American Society of Association Executives in Washington, D.C.
- June 30, 2017PCAAE, representing APFAO, signed a memorandum of cooperation with the International Congress and Convention Association (ICCA) in Fukuoka, Japan.
- November 22-23, 2017PCAAE organized the 5th annual summit, “Associations Summit 5” with the theme, “Stronger Together” at the PICC, with TPB, ADFIAP and PICC supporting it.
- November 22, 2017PCAAE held its 3rd ‘Ang Susi’ Awards.
- November 23, 2017PCAAE held its 5th GCMM at the PICC.
- December 11-12, 2017PCAAE represented at the 1st Dubai Association Conference.
- January 11, 2018PCAAE held its first Quarterly Quorum (QQ1), dubbed “short and sweet” learning session at the ADFIAP Headquarters.
- February 7, 2018PCAAE and Montreal-based AssociationSuccess.org (AS) signed a memorandum of agreement at the Shangri-La Hotel at the Fort during the Seminar on Member Engagement and Marketing conducted by AS director, Ms, Arianna Rehak
- February 27, 2018PCAAE and the Tourism Promotions Board (TPB) signed a memorandum of agreement at the TPB office in Manila with PCAAE Founder & CEO Octavio B. Peralta and TPB Chief Operating Officer Cesar Montano signing in behalf of their institutions.
- July 4, 2018PCAAE held its first mini-conference called, ‘X3’ which covered branding, public relations and communications.
- October 29, 2018PCAAE chaired the 3rd APFAO General Assembly Meeting at the Grand Hyatt Hotel, Singapore where PCAAE Founder & CEO Octavio B. Peralta was named first APFAO President.
- November 23-24, 2018PCAAE organized the 6th annual summit, “Associations Summit 6” with the theme, “Inspire, Collaborate, Sustain” at the Subic Bay Exhibition and Convention Center (SBECC), the first time that PCAAE help this event outside Metro Manila.
- November 23, 2018PCAAE held its 4th ‘Ang Susi’ Awards at SBECC.
- November 23, 2018PCAAE held its 6th GCMM at SBECC.
- January 31, 2019PCAAE conducted a briefing for associations in Myanmar
- November 27, 2019PCAAE organized the 7th annual summit, “Associations Summit 7” with the theme, “Fast to the Future”, at the PICC featuring for the first time an ASAE Edu-Day conducted by Amy Hissrich, Vice President, Website Strategies and Communications of the American Society of Association Executives (ASAE).
- November 27, 2019PCAAE held its 5th ‘Ang Susi’ Awards at the PICC.
- November 28, 2019PCAAE honors 14 new graduates of its Certified Professional Association Executive (CPAE) program, bringing the total CPAE graduates to 56 since the program was launched on June 29, 2015.
- November 28, 2019PCAAE held its 7th GCMM at PICC where a new set of Board of Trustees were elected which named Mr. Charlie Villasenor and Ms. Gwen Albarracin as Chair and Vice-Chair, respectively.
- May 27, 2020PCAAE organized its first webinar entitled “Associations: Threats and Opportunities amidst the Pandemic” during the Covid-19 lockdown that started on March 15, 2020. Subsequent monthly webinars have been regularly held.
- November 25, 2020PCAAE held its 8th Annual Summit, “Associations Summit 8” (virtual) with the theme, “Leading with Agility” and its 6th ‘Ang Susi’ Awards.
- November 26, 2020PCAAE held its 8th GCMM virtually.
- November 24, 2021PCAAE held its 9th Annual Summit, “Associations Summit 9” (virtual) with the theme, ““Associations and the Pandemic: Lessons Learned and The Way Forward: A Conversation among Members and Stakeholders” and its 7th ‘Ang Susi’ Awards.
- November 25, 2021PCAAE held its 9th GCMM virtually.
- January 20, 2022PCAAE Board of Trustees elected Gen Albarracin as Chair of PCAAE in place of Charlie Villasenor who has resigned.
- November 23-24, 2022PCAAE held its 10th Annual Summit, “Associations Summit 10” (hybrid) with the theme, “Associations and Sustainability: A Collective Commitment” with the in-person conference and the 8th ‘Ang Susi’ Awards held at the PICC and the virtual event via Zoom, including the 10th GCMM.
- December 20, 2023PCAAE held its 11th Annual Summit, “Associations Summit 11” (in person) with the theme, “Associations in the Digital Age: AI, Technology, Operational Efficiency and Sustainability” and 9th ‘Ang Susi’ Awards held at the PICC. AS 11 featured for the first time a “Business-to-Business Exchange” where buyers (associations) and sellers (event venue, organizers, accommodations, tour operators, etc.) meet to transact business. The Ang Susi Awards also featured the induction of three Lifetime Honorary Members: Mr. Florentino (Jun) S. Dulalia, Chairman and CEO of the Dulalia Group of Companies, Vilma R. Ligahon, President and CEO of Riavin Realty Development Corporation, and Enunina V. Mangio, current President of the Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
- December 21, 2023PCAAE held its 10th GCMM virtually.
- February 15, 2024PCAAE launched its monthly (virtual) learning series (two webinars per month) with the theme of the year, “Board and Executive Leadership.”
- March 20, 2024PCAAE held a Special Meeting of the General Council of Members Meeting (GCMM) to elect three Board of Trustees members to fill up three vacant Board seats. Elected new Trustees were Dr. Roberto Ranola, Chairman of the Philippine Association of Agriculturists, Ana Marie (BM) Miranda, acting Secretary General of the Philippine Retailers Association, and Rizchelle Sampang-Manaog, Program Director of the CFA Society Philippines.