PCAAE holds Neuroscience Webinar, tackles Inner Workings of the Brain PCAAE held a webinar on “The Neuroscience of Planning and Mental Biases” on December 14, 2022 that featured neuroscience coach, Ben Ampil, as speaker. Neuroscience is a study on...
Associations Summit 10 spotlights Sustainability in Hybrid Event More than 180 association leaders and professionals gathered at the Philippine Council of Associations and Association Executives’ (PCAAE) 10th Associations Summit (AS10) held in collaboration with the Tourism Promotions...
PCAAE, members join Green EDSA Movement Performing their civic duty, PCAAE and some of its members, joined as supporting convenors of the Green EDSA Movement (GEM), an initiative to transform EDSA into a tree-lined greenway...
PCAAE speaks at Association Leaders webinar On invitation by Glue-Up, PCAAE, represented by its Founder & CEO, Octavio ‘Bobby’ Peralta, was part of a panel of association leaders in Asia and the Pacific who spoke...
PCAAE runs member recruitment and retention webinar PCAAE conducted a webinar on “Top Tips for Recruiting & Retaining Members” on March 24, 2021 which featured as speaker Elisa Joseph Anders, DCMP, Senior Account Director at the...
PCAAE runs public policy advocacy webinar PCAAE runs public policy advocacy webinar PCAAE ran a webinar on public policy advocacy to emphasize the value for associations to have a voice and a place in the...
PCAAE conducts CPAE course on association governance and legal aspects PCAAE conducts CPAE course on association governance and legal aspects The Philippine Council of Associations and Association Executives (PCAAE), through its PCAAE Academy, its professional training and career development...
PCAAE runs strategic planning webinar PCAAE runs strategic planning webinar PCAAE conducted a webinar on “Essentials of Strategic Planning” on February 24, 2021attended by 22 participants. The featured speaker was Dean West, FASAE, President...
PCAAE attends Brussels European Association Forum On the invitation by the Brussels-based Association World (AW), PCAAE, represented by its Founder & CEO, Octavio ‘Bobby’ Peralta, attended the virtual Brussels European Association Forum (BEAF) on January...
PCAAE launches new webinar series, first topic on branding PCAAE launches new webinar series, first topic on branding PCAAE has launched its new series of monthly webinars themed, “Pathways to Recovery.” The series, which will run from January...